00 INTRODUCTION The cell aggregation is the combination of two cellular functions: cell-to-cell recognition and cell adhesion. In comparison with bidimensional (2D) cell culture, the three-dimensional (3D) cell aggregates provide functional microtissues that mimic the native tissue conditions of growth and adhesion. The aggregation can be done with cells from […]
Bioengineering tissue models
00 INTRODUCTION Gelatin hydrogels have attracted significant attention in the field of regenerative medicine, and more specifically, in their use as wound dressings and artificial tissue replacements. Among the different photo-crosslinkable gelatin materials, gelatin methacryloyl (GelMA) hydrogels display a series of advantages, such as good biocompatibility (including biosafety and biological […]
00 INTRODUCTION Working in sterile conditions is key for culturing our scaffolds in aseptic conditions and avoiding contamination. In a 3D Bioprinting protocol we have many sources of contamination, the biomaterial, the cells itself or the 3D bioprinting protocol. The scaffolds with or without cells have the same requirements in […]
+30 INTRODUCTION Hydrogels are at the forefront of 3D bioprinting and tissue engineering. However, the wide variety of choices available, and the diverse physicochemical nature of the biomaterials comprising the hydrogels, complicate the selection of the most adequate formulation for each specific application. The purpose of this method is to […]
+10 INTRODUCTION Collagen is the most abundant structural protein in the extracellular matrix (ECM), accounting for 30% of the total body protein content in humans. Amongst the 28 types of collagen that have been already identified, collagen type I is the most abundant by far, playing its most prominent functional […]
+20 In the picture: 👀 99% of cell viability with ColBioink formulation. This material is a native Type I collagen formulation that comes from porcine origin and is in a “ready to print format”. It also ensures that the formed structures can be safely grafted without immune rejection and used […]
00 “Next generation gelatin-based bio-ink.” Introduction X EASYGEL INX© is a gelatin-based shear thinning, cell-interactive ECM mimicking ink. X EASYGEL INX combines all the benefits of conventional gelatin/gel-MA based inks in combination with a highly improved printing process thanks to its shear thinning behavior, as schematically presented in Figure 1a. […]
+20 Introduction Material extrusion is an additive manufacturing technique that uses a continuous filament of thermoplastic or composite material to construct 3D parts. Filament-based material extrusion is the most common practice in the 3D printing community. However, it’s not necessary for extrusion to only work with filament. In fact, pellet […]
+30 Facilan™ PCL 100 Filament (MW = 50000 g/mol) was used as 3D printing filament. The scaffolds were designed with the software Regemat3D Designer v1.4.4 and printed using a Regemat3D Bio V1® bioprinter (REG4Life, REGEMAT 3D, Granada, Spain) equipped with a glass bed and a 0.4 mm diameter nozzle. The […]
+5-1 The biofabrication technique comprises two processes for every volume: first, the fused deposition of the thermoplastic polymer to obtain the scaffold and second, the injection of the bioink and CaCl2 solution to fill the printed scaffold. Firstly, commercial non-medical grade PLA (1.75 mm filament) was used and it […]